Ralph Shepard b. 1603 -1606 in Stepney, London, England. d. 11 Sept 1693 (also date of 20 Aug 1693 is listed in records) Lived at Charleston buried
in Malden, MA. m. Thanklord 21 May 1632 in Towcester, England.
With the exception of two or three facts, we know little about Ralph before his departure for America. He was a
tailor, and probably an officer in the Draper's (tailor) Guild. The first Lord Mayor of London was a draper. For citizenship
of London it was required by Edward II that it must be obtained through Craft. So, due to Ralph being a member of the
Drapers' guild we can supose that he was also a citizen of London.
on the 24th of April 1634 when Archbishop Laud was ersecuting the non-conformists, that Ralph was summoned before the
Court of High commissions. This was an "ecclesiastical court" of very extensive jurisdiction, for the vindication of the peace
and dignity of the church, by reforming, ordering and correcting the ecclesiastical state and persons, and all manners of
errors, heresies, schisms, abuses, offenses, contempts and enormities. The sentence pronounced against "Ralph Shepard
of LImehouse, Midd," it is not given what his offense was, but it is most probable that he left England on account of the
sentence of the court.
June 30, 1635, Ralph Shepard age 29, with his wife Thanklord aged 23 and his daughter Sarah, aged 2 came to America from
Stepney Parish, London, England. on the ship "Abigail" (and the captain was Robert Hackwell.), He was furnished with
a certificate from the minister of Stepney Perish. (note grave stone may indicate he was 32). After living
for a short time in Dedham, Waymouth and Rehoboth, settled in Malden, MA. The location of the Blanchard's farm
and Shepard's farm maid them neighbors.
Other locations of residence: Dedham, Rehoboth, Weymouth, Concord, and Malden, MA. Ralph was
the 8th signer of the petition to have the town named Dedham. He was one of twenty who instituted a government of nine men,
in founding of Rehoboth. Ralph was admitted a "Freeman" at Malden, MA in 1651.
Thanklord or Thankful Lord(Thank Ye The) Lord. b. 30 June 1612
in Towchester, England. d. 1693 in Malden, MA. (Father: Thomas
Lord b. 1585/6 d. 1667) m. Ralph Shepard 21 May 1632 in Towcester, England.
* NOTE: No absolute proof available it has been concluded that Thankfuls
father is as stated. See source #2 and that
his father was Richard Lord of Towcester, Northampton, England who married Joan who came from England to Cambridge, MA in
a ship the "Elizabeth and Ann" Richard Lord joined Rev. Thomas Hooker's party in the founding of Hartford, CT in 1636 and
was an original proprietor there.
The homesteads of the Blanchards and Shepards were not far distant from each other. Ralph Shepard's
house was situated in what was called "Bell Rock pasture" which was, probably in the vicinity of what is known as "Bell Rock
burying ground". The homestead consisted of fourteen acres, and was purchased in 1666 from Rev. Benjamin Bunker
Children of Ralph and Thankful are:
- Sarah b. 1633 London, England
- Thomas b. 1635 in America
- Isaac b. June 20, 1639 d. Feb 12, 1676 Wymouth ,Ma (Killed by indians in King Philips War of 1675/7 m. Mary Smedley
- Trial b. Dec 19,1641 in Wymouth, MA d. 1708 m. Walter Power in 1660
- Walter b. 1643
- Abraham b. 1651 in Malden, MA, m. Judith Philbrook da. of John Sill
- Thanks b.June 1653 in Malden, MA; m. Peter Dill
- Jacob b. June 1653 Malden, MA
- Ralph b. 1656 d. Jan 20, 1711
- Anne b. 1656
- Daniel b. 1659
- John b. 1660; d Dec 15, 1699 ; m. Sarah Globe
- Hannah m. Joseph Blanchard
- Mary b. 1660-2
* NOTE: Information found in the Littleton Historical Society and is found in part incomplete,
and not accurate. Further source is absolutly required.